If you’ve visited our info page on the Summer Leadership Intensive you will have already learned that it “is a four-day ‘Intensive’ program for female artists that focuses on various aspects of leadership skills and business acumen (essential business skills and knowledge) in the arts. Normally held in Salt Lake City, Utah (this year a virtual and live hybrid due to COVID-19) our attendees enjoy a variety of interactive workshops, keynote speakers, panel discussions, roundtable debates, Q&A sessions, and fun!”
We build the Summer Leadership Intensive around the needs of our 40 ALI Fellows, who attend each session and are paired with a professional mentor. However, this information is valuable to all female artists everywhere and they are invited to attend our limited sessions as well.
But what is it like to attend the Summer Leadership Intensive? Here are 3 insights into the program that you should know:
1. It’s called the Summer Leadership Intensive for a reason.
Just as an intense physical workout challenges you physically, the Summer Leadership Intensive will push you mentally and allow you to grow in ways that you didn’t know were possible. Also like a good workout, you will likely want a day of rest and recovery after the program!
We have just 4 short days to provide you with as much knowledge as possible--it is motivational, inspiring, confidence-building, informative, educational, and intense. These days your schedule will be filled with speakers, panels, workshops and round table discussions. However, we also have just 4 short days to build connections and enjoy our time together! So you will be given opportunities to join lunch tables with other attendees, find your center with a yoga session, and even take an optional exercise session to keep your blood flowing. Of course the best chance for connection will be our final day when we have our in-person (with a virtual option) closing celebration!
2. When the Summer Leadership Intensive ends, Women’s ALI is still here.
Throughout the Summer Leadership Intensive you will gain a full box of new tools (skills) for your life and your art career. You will walk away more equipped to use your art after graduation, become a leader in your community and life, treat your art as a business, support and connect with women in a new way, and create opportunities for yourself that you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.
While your tool box will be full, it will take time to learn how to use each tool and apply what you have learned at the Intensive into your life. And when the Summer Leadership Intensive ends, Women’s ALI is STILL HERE. Your ALI Fellow position lasts a full year and we will be providing continuing education and networking sessions throughout that time! We are eager to help you find opportunities, apply what you have learned, and become powerful women and leaders.
3. You don’t just ‘attend’, you join a community.
You may come to the Intensive without knowing a single person, but you can leave with a network of women looking to support you and looking to you for support. You truly join a community of ‘allies’ seeking to better themselves, each other, and the world around them.
This ALI community consists of working female artists from around the state and nation, including, 40 mentors ready to share their expertise and advice, 40 undergraduate women studying in all fields of the arts, sponsors and donors who believe in this mission and make it possible for you to attend, and ALI team members who dedicate their time to make sure you have this opportunity.
Women’s ALI exists for YOU. And we can’t wait to see you at the 2021 Summer Leadership Intensive to “Connect and Create."
Visit the Summer Leadership Intensive info page or the FAQ page and contact info@womenali.org for further questions.